Friday, April 1, 2011

OMEGA - Production Diary - Day 9

Tonight is that last major sequence for OMEGA, not much left to film after this... I can see the finish line!

PRODUCTION DIARY - DAY 9 -  March 31st, 2011 | UniSA West Campus, Adelaide.

Crew in attendance: Peter Ninos (Director), David Tang (Cinematographer), Michael Tessari (Gaffer/Camera Assist), Trent Ninos (First A.D.), Teena Ninos (D.A./Sound Recorder), Gigi D'angelo (Costumes), Billy Ninos (Clapper Loader), Paul Larsen (Grip/Runner) George Carr (Props/Research). Cast in attendance: Kate Englefield (Jess), Nick Buckland (Dr. Blake), Aliante Youngdino (The Agent).

Scenes being filmed: OMEGA Scenes 10 & 11.

We're back at UniSA for the last major sequence in the film. Unlike our other shoots we're only filming for one standalone day, so we need to get all our shots in the can by tonight.

I'll talk first about our prep for Day 9 - the Hospital scenes. We have the same location as Day 3 so we had to dress the corridor in the same way as we did in December when we last filmed it. This time around we had some extra props to add an extra layer of detail. First thing in the morning, after Teena and I picked up all our equipment from the MRC and Picture Hire, we headed to a Medical Supply store recommended to me by my GP (Thanks Doc!). Pushing our way through the wall of incontinence pads we found actual IV bags filled with saline solution and even the IV drip tube set, we also grabbed another stethoscope for Nick to use. All up the props ended up costing less then $30 - for actual medical supplies, how awesome is that?

The night before the shoot I found yet another excuse to transcend this mortal realm and ascend to the promised land of Officeworks. I had mocked up three hospital posters in Photoshop, huge thanks to Teena and George Carr for snapping pics of the posters in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for reference. I must say the posters made the corridor and elevator sets look great, I'll post some photos of them in the Production Shots shortly.

Teena and I arrived at UniSA just after 6PM, DTang, Michael and Trent were already there. We started unloading our gear and moved into the set. We immediately started looking around the area for places to film. This small area has already been on camera over our many filming days (playing various different locations) so we needed to look for fresh areas and angles. By playing with the geography of the location we were able to shoot it so it appeared that one corner led to a completely different area - it was great fun working this all out.

Acting in our scenes today we had the always wonderful Kate Englefield playing Jess. With her was Nick Buckland who kindly agreed to play the Chief of Medicine Dr. Blake. Aliante Youngdino (Frenk) returned playing the nefarious astronomer-napping, security guard-capping Agent. Gigi D'angelo once again supplied us our awesome costumes and delivered them as well, much obliged! Visiting the set was Carina Gun and Jeremy Keller-Bakker, great to meet you guys. Everyone was chatting and laughing, the mood was very light and fun. Props to Paul and Billy who came down to the shoot directly from work and training respectively and still helped us out. Kudos! 

Scenes 10 & 11 are essentially the same scene. Jess, the CM and the Agent walk through the Hospital discussing the mysterious patient Jess operated on earlier in the night. The scene culminates in someone getting shot... but I won't spoil who just yet!

To cover the entire conversation we had six set ups across the location and two to three close ups for each of the actors individual lines. We covered Scene 10 first from three different angles. Even when not in the shot the actors still did a great job providing eye lines and acting through the dialogue. The action was covered hand held by DTang and Mike with the 7D for still and tracking shots, we reviewed the footage and it looked awesome - Scene 10 is in the bag!

Moving directly onto Scene 11 we reset our lights and positions and ran through the cues. We rehearsed the actions a few times before rolling - the cast and the crew did a great job with very little rehearsal. Ideally we should've been able to practice in the days before the shoot but again the train is bearing down on us so we had to fast tracked the process. I appreciate everyone's hard work and patience.

The first third of our shoot was done, we moved to the far end of the Yungondi Building to the elevator area. We set up and filmed our actors waiting for the elevator, delivery their lines and entering. Michael Tessari agreed to film a cameo (he had already put on the patient gown the minute he saw it, so that was easy). He played the part of a sick patient wheeling his IV stand out of the elevator. Looked awesome... thanks man!

The next set up was inside the elevator, we dressed the interior walls with our posters and used a nice wide angle to show the sleek silver interior in all its glory. One of the lights was flickering so we positioned Frenk underneath it to make him look intimidating. The footage looked great, very cold and foreboding.

For when our characters exit the elevator on a different floor we simply redressed the same exterior as before (Big Bang Theory style). New posters, a box plant and some new chairs sold the effect. I really enjoy those types of set ups, it's really innovative using what we have to make something work. Great work everyone.

Our last set up had us inside the main foyer of the Yungondi Building. This is the big finish, someone's about to get shot. We filmed the dialogue leading up to the big moment first, then set up the shot and fall separately. One of the conditions of filming inside UniSA was that we weren't able to fire off our awesome blood shooting (used to great effect in shooting Paul on Day 7). So we filmed the shot plate with the character simulating the shot and falling back onto the safety mattress (supplied by Trent) with the blood effect to be added in during Post. A few extra practical effects were also employed. Fake blood was carefully applied to the wound for the shots of the victim lying on the ground. And we used an empty bullet shell with a small piece of incenses (Sandlewood, my throat's still burning). When lit and placed in the shell it looks just like a newly fired bullet shell still smoking from the heat of the gun - sweet! The low angle was brilliant and the focus shift from the smoking shell to the wounded victim on the ground looked oh so nice.

Without spoiling too much the scene worked really well. Kate was awesome and gave a truly bone chilling scream. Nick was a great sport and literally threw himself into the role. And Frenk played the Agent menacingly and cool. The framing and lighting work crazy well and the staging when the Agent goes from the one being led to circling around into a position of intimating superiority worked like a charm.

We had originally planned on filming Scenes 12b & 15b (Kate's coverage) but it was nearing 1AM and we were all feeling the effects of the loooooong day. This was especially evident in the production shots of DTang molesting accosting Mike with the fake pistol.

Aside from the late hours and losing three Redhead bulbs 'twas an awesome night of filming!

Scenes 10 & 11 are now added to our growing list of completed scenes, we have only to film the last shots with Kate and remaining viral videos with Devon Aubert (Prof. Jameson) in the next few weeks. After that at least one more day for Pick Ups and we're done! Woo!

That wraps up filming for tonight and also marks Nick Buckland's and Aliante Youngdino's last shots on OMEGA. I'd like that thank the both of them for their dedication and hard work, I appreciate you both for volunteering your time and talent and in helping to bring OMEGA to life. You both played your lines brilliantly with Kate and to each other. If I saw Nick in the same costume he wore last night in a hospital I'd be convinced he was the Chief of Medicine and would be obliviously letting myself be injected with god knows what. And if I saw Frenk walking through a dark ally wearing his Agent costume and that creepy grin I'd be bolting it so fast I'd break the sound barrier (and probably my legs).

Thanks to Kate, Nick, Frenk, DTang, Michael, Gigi, Trent, Teena, Billy, Paul, George, Carina, & Jeremy. 'Twas a long night, a much deserved break for you all!

1 comment:

  1. A rollicking good read peter i was enthralled from begging to end 5 stars
