Monday, December 6, 2010

OMEGA - Pre-Production Diary - Table Reading

It's a bit strange to be having a Table Reading after the first day of filming, but oh well.

We had our main cast down for a Table Reading yesterday, the 5th of December 2010. Crew in attendance: Peter Ninos (Director), Trent Ninos (First A.D.), Teena (D.A.), Billy (Clapper Loader/Extra Voices). Cast in attendance: Adam Schmerl (Jake), Kate Englefield (Jess), Devon Aubert (Prof. Jameson) and Frenk Etti (The Agent).

The Table Reading went very well, we got a great idea of the flow and running length of OMEGA as well as a great preview into how our actors handled the work when read together. (HINT: Brilliantly).

We were interuptted half-way through by rain, but we pressed on made it through the reading. We filmed the entire reading and I was going to post it online but have since decided against it for now, I don't want the entire plot spoiled before we even get into principle photography.

Thanks again to the cast and crew for coming down.

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