Sunday, December 26, 2010

OMEGA - Production Diary - Day 3

Man, been so flat out with Christmas I didn't upload this straight away - anyway, better late then never (unless you're an electric chair repair man).

PRODUCTION DIARY - DAY 3 -  December 19th, 2010 | UniSA West Campus, Adelaide

Crew in attendance: Peter Ninos (Director), David Tang (Cinematographer), Ian (Gaffer/Photography), Trent Ninos (First A.D.), Teena Ninos (D.A.) and Billy Ninos (Clapper Loader). Cast in attendance: Adam Schmerl (Jake), Kate Englefield (Jess), Theadora Kezios (Nurse), Faye Kezios (Extra), Tamae Ninos (Extra) and Paul Larsen (Doctor).

Scenes being filmed: OMEGA Scene 4 & Scene 5 - Jess Coverage.

Hot on the heels of yesterdays awesome shoot we barreled straight into our third of filming. Today's shoot was much more involved, we had two scenes to film, had a bigger set to dress and we had to work out all the background action.

As soon as we arrived at UniSA we immediately starting moving furniture around to make the ordinary Uni corridor look like a busy hosptial wing. I was amazed at how bringing in rows of blue chairs and some "First Aid" and "Reception" wall slates immediately made the set work.

We were actually filming just around the corner from yesterdays shoot so we were very mindful to not show that area of the set (especially the orange doors that were shown in detail). This one set was playing two different locations. I was very pleased with how the set turned out, everyone did a great job. DTang and Ian were manning camera and lights again and both did a great job lighting the large area.

A huge thanks to Gigi D'angelo for providing us with a set of brilliant costumes. We had two pairs of surgeon scrubs and a nurse outfit. Kate and Theadora looked the part completely, thanks Gigi!

Tonight we filmed Scenes 4 & 5. Scene 5 was the same phone conversation we filmed yesterday but now we're showing the call from Jess's perspective. So it was Kate's turn in front of the camera with Adam reading his lines off screen.

Scene 5 was filmed first (as Adam wasn't required for Scene 4) and it went very smoothly. Adam and Kate, once again, performed brilliantly and we managed to get the scene with different shots and close ups in very few takes. The action in the background was very well played and gave the impression of a busy hospital wing - it all came together to make the scene pop.

It was important to show a stark contrast between Jake and Jess. Jake is feeling isolated and alone, so his set was dimly lit and there was no other movement or activity besides him. Jess is feeling frazzled and stressed, so her set was brightly lit and looks crowded and steril - a perfect hosptial.

Scene 4 was last for the night. We said goodnight to Adam and started setting up for a complicated, but engaging shot. The scene is literally two lines of dialogue delivered by Kate to a technician and a nurse but instead of just framing in a medium and filming, Trent and I thought it would be visually interesting if we did a handheld tracking shot of the nurse walking through the wing towards Jess while the lines are heard as we approach them. This small addition instantly turned a simple dialogue scene into a interesting shot and a great addition to the overall look of the film.

With these two scenes in the can we have taken a huge leap into the story and have the bulk of the dialogue scenes shot. Tomorrow is a smaller shoot with only Adam and very little dialogue.

Day 3 of filming was fantastic, everyone did a great job. Cast, Crew and Extras all pulled together to give us great footage.

One more day 'till the Christmas break, will post soon!

Major thanks to Adam, Kate, DTang, Ian, Teena, Trent, Theadora, Faye, Tamae, Billy & Paul.

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