Sunday, December 19, 2010

OMEGA - Production Diary - Day 2

A little tired from a long day working, then straight into filming... but I'll try to keep this coherent.

PRODUCTION DIARY - DAY 2 -  December 18th, 2010 | UniSA West Campus, Adelaide

Crew in attendance: Peter Ninos (Director), David Tang (Cinematographer), Ian (Gaffer/Photography), Trent Ninos (First A.D.), Teena Ninos (D.A.), Billy Ninos (Clapper Loader) and Paul Larsen (Grip/Runner). Cast in attendance: Adam Schmerl (Jake) and Kate Englefield (Jess).

Scenes being filmed: OMEGA Scene 5 - Jake Coverage.

Being only our second day of filming and our first day with our lead actors we focused on filming one scene today. Scene 5 features the phone conversation between "Jake" and "Jess", the core of the movie. We filmed Adam's coverage tonight with Kate reading her role off camera. Tomorrow's shoot will flip the roles and having Kate's coverage with Adam reading off camera.

Our location for the shoot tonight was in Yungondi Building at UniSA's West Campus in the city. A huge thanks to Mark Dorian, Campus Facilities Manager, for permitting to us to film in such an excellent location!

Trent, Billy and I were the first to arrive on set while waiting we met Ian and once we were let into the building we started unpacking and just sussing out the location for interesting shots. We dressed the corridor to look like a government office (a couple of well placed Australian flags did the trick nicely). Ian did a great job fine tuning the lighting, both with our studio lights and the fixture lighting. Teena and Paul were the next to arrive and helped unloading all our gear and moving the furniture in for the set.

Adam and Kate arrived shortly after, they had rehearsed their scenes earlier in the day and we very confident with the material. We had a quick read through which was excellent, both did an great job.

DTang arrived a little later after an all day film shoot and was gearing to get working again! He and Ian retooled the lighting and the camera positions and got the set looking fantastic, they both did a superb job!

Filming went extremely smoothly, Adam and Kate read through the entire scene five times for each different shot and portions of the scene a couple more times for various close ups. Surprisingly we didn't have many takes, everyone was on their A-Game.

We started with a medium shot of Jake in the corridor speaking with Jess on his mobile. We then moved into a close-up before going into tracking shot and finally the extreme wide shot.We got all the shots we need for Adam's coverage with some to spare.

After we wrapped filming for the night and packed up our gear we restored the "Barracks" back to the "University". We all ended up at the Pancake Kitchen (having a premature wrap party, nice!) it was a great time and good to get to know everyone in a personal setting.

All in all it was a fantastic second day of filming! I'm so happy we've been able to get back into this after a long break. The momentum will continue with the third and forth day of filming happening tomorrow and Monday respectively.

A huge thank you to Adam, Kate, DTang, Ian, Teena, Trent, Paul & Billy. They all did an outstanding job!

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